
The Art of Eating Right: Avoiding Wrong Food Combinations According to Ayurveda

One of the oldest healing system, Ayurveda emphasises not only what we eat but how we eat it. In the modern world it’s easy to overlook the wisdom of dietary practices. According to ayurvedic principles certain food combinations can either nourish or disrupt our bodies natural balance. Wrong food combination can lead to various diseases. …

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Embracing Ayurveda and Yoga for Managing PCOD/PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD) and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are common hormonal disorders affecting millions of women worldwide. These conditions not only impact physical health but also emotional well-being. Fortunately, ancient Ayurvedic practices combined with Yoga offer a holistic approach to managing PCOD/PCOS.  In this blog, we explore the wisdom of Ayurveda and the power …

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Natural Hypertension Relief: Ayurvedic Remedies for Balanced Blood Pressure”

A disease that affects millions, hypertension and issues related are increasing everyday. It’s a key risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and can lead to other serious health issues. As many are turning towards natural path of healing due to side effects of long-term side effects modern medicines. Ayurveda and Yoga is your answer, it …

Natural Hypertension Relief: Ayurvedic Remedies for Balanced Blood Pressure” Read More »

The 4 Fundamental Pillars for Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is a holistic concept; it’s more than just physical fitness or the absence of disease. It’s a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. To help you on this journey, we have carefully curated a comprehensive guide that explores the four fundamental pillars of healthy living: Yoga, a balanced diet, Ayurveda, …

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